Monday, December 19, 2016

With Love And Light

For the past few weeks I have been looking for a daily devotional style book especially for Pagans. Without my knowledge, my husband found one, Llewellyn's Witches' Spell-A-Day 2017 Almanac. So, he got both Galinda and I a copy for Yule! So sweet of him.
After looking over the book, I am excited for 2017 to begin, and not just because that means 2016 will be over, since 2016 has been a year plagued by stress, struggle and just otherwise bad stuff.
There is a lot of great information in the almanac and a spell, ritual, or task for each day of the year. I can not wait to begin using it! Now to figure out where to order the different daily incense sticks and supplies needed for the first two weeks worth of entries, lol.
Blessed be!

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